Kristen Bousquet


Where do you find inspiration and places to shoot?

At the moment, I live in a super small town in Massachusetts, so to be honest, I have no other choice than to be inspired by what’s around me and to get creative with it. At first, I saw it as a roadblock, but now I welcome the challenge. It gives me a great opportunity to make some magic out of things that people might not see beauty in. For example, I love shooting at old, abandoned places that are, quite frankly, falling apart, and most of the time, they end up being some of my most successful posts.

Who takes most of your photos?

I usually take my own photos! I have an awesome video on my blog where I have an entire video showing how I shoot my own images. I use a Shutter Release for my camera, and it’s really just as easy as dancing in front of my camera and crossing my fingers that I’m in focus, haha! If I have a really creative idea that needs to be done once and done right, I’ll always have my boyfriend shoot it for me, but usually I can manage on my own.

How do you style so many statement pieces together?

I get asked this question a lot or people will say “only you could pull that off,” and I think there’s nothing further from the truth. The secret? CONFIDENCE. If you aren’t confident while walking out of the house in a bright red printed top + a pair of yellow pants (with pink hair on top of it all, haha), then it will show. Your look won’t have the same impact that you’d like it to if you’re not pairing it with having your chin up and strutting like you’re on the runway.

What are some tips in being confident in what you wear?

The confidence has to be coming from more than just your outfit. That confidence will shine when YOU are comfortable being YOU. For me, it was really giving myself probably a year's worth of daily pep talks saying “Who the hell cares what you’re wearing?! YOU like it.. What else matters?”

After doing that for so long, eventually I started to listen to myself, and I stopped caring about what people thought about my clothing choices. IT’S CLOTHING. If people don’t like it, they don’t need to look at it. At the end of the day, you have YOU. Do what you like, and don’t let anyone else tell you it’s weird, wrong, or stupid. Life’s too short to listen to people’s negativity!! You do you, boo boo!

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